Welcome from our Senior Pastoral couple

Pastor Jerome and Rochelle Bailey
On behalf of our church family, we welcome you in the glorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ! At Perm Gardens Baptist, our mission is to introduce people to Jesus Christ, to help them grow to become more like Him, and to reproduce the process in others.
Our primary concern is that you have a relationship with God through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. It is our prayer that, if you have not already done so, you will receive Jesus as your own personal Savior through a prayer of faith in repentance of your sin and by inviting Him into your heart, the center of your life, trusting Him as your Savior.
Once you have received Him as your Savior, you can begin the exciting journey of the Christian life as you experience the peace and joy associated with walking daily with Jesus. Through this intimate relationship you will grow to be more like Him with each passing day.
We invite you to browse around and explore, but above all come and visit us at the church. Please have a look at the "What's Happening" and Ministries sections which provide information on various activities we have at our church. We will be updating the website continually, so be sure to come back and visit again soon.